Russian & US Capsule

Odio ut pretium ligula quam Vestibulum consequat convallis fringilla Vestibulum nulla. Accumsan morbi tristique auctor. At risus pretium urna tortor metus fringilla interdum mauris tempor congue

Benefits of the training:

  • 2 days of training
  • 2 months of follow-ups offered
  • 10% off the online shop for life
  • WhatsApp group with all students
  • 1 hour Skype meeting 1 month after the training
  • Lunch offered
  • Syllabus
  • Free kit


  • • Flame tip
  • • Ball tip
  • • Protein base
  • • U.S. capsule box
  • • One color
  • • A top coat


  • Master the anatomy of the nail,
  • Achieve a clean, clean and smooth cuticle,
  • Familiarize yourself with the two different tips that will lift the cuticle pocket and clean it thoroughly,
  • Prepare the nail plate to prevent detachment,
  • Apply the capsule with your fingers,
  • Prepare the capsule before applying it to the finger,
  • Prepare the capsule to receive the colour,
  • Fine-tune the demarcation of the capsule,
  • Create a full American capsule pose,
  • Apply the top coat with reflection,
  • Make 10 identical fingers,
  • Apply a smudge-free color under the cuticle using the liner brush,
  • Master the sander.


  • DAY 1 : Russian manicure + capsule,
  • DAY 2: Model